Diversity Council Subcommittees
Climate Survey, Co-chairs: Dr. Teresa Neely & Ms. Mónica Jenrette
UNM is strongly committed to providing an inclusive climate and welcoming environment for all. DEI will
lead the task of administering a university-wide campus climate survey in Fall 2022. The goal is to understand
student, faculty and staff experiences with, and perceptions concerning campus climate and diversity, equity
and inclusion. This committee will work on planning for that survey.
Diversity Curriculum, Co-chairs: Dr. Julia So & TBA
The diversity requirement at UNM is supported by the work of DEI and the Diversity Council. Co-chairs of the
Diversity Curriculum committee coordinate approval of courses that may fulfill the diversity requirement by
providing proposal workshops, advice on proposals, sharing the list of approved courses, and assessing that
learning outcomes are being met by diversity courses. They are further involved with building a community
of practice concerning delivery of diversity curriculum at UNM.
Restorative Justice and Inclusive Climate Committee, Co-chairs: Ms. Pam Agoyo, Dr. Mark Emmons & Dr. Liz Hutchison
Various climate concerns are being addressed and/or raised at UNM, including but not limited to the
university seal, Adams mural, names of residence halls, presence of law enforcement on campus, concerns
about bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment, and retaliation, perceived overall climate of racism and its
effects on students, faculty and staff, specific concerns named by Native faculty (see 2019 Native Faculty
Council requests to executive leaders), and other aspects of the built and virtual environment. Building an
inclusive climate requires collaboration, gaining buy-in, and persistence. This intrepid committee will work
with campus partners to address these issues in systematic ways. For updates, see:
Learning and Resources, Co-chairs: Ms. Donna Lopez & TBA
In an effort to create greater opportunities for learning and awareness of available resources aimed at
promoting the University values of diversity, equity, and inclusion, the Learning & Resource sub-committee
will focus on establishing a comprehensive inventory of trainings, programs, resources, and initiatives
designed to enhance knowledge, skills, and competencies. The goal is to create a repository of resources,
including names of skilled presenters available to deliver various types of presentations to the university