Addressing Stress During Polarizing Times




At UNM, we recognize the toll polarizing times can take. From election stress to fear of human rights violations, we know that both domestic and global issues can deeply impact our diverse population of students, faculty, and staff. Our mission is to cultivate a campus where free expression thrives, but always within a framework of respect and mutual understanding. We are dedicated to supporting our community as we face these stressors together, fostering an environment that prioritizes mental health and open, respectful dialogue.

If you are a student and need support at this time, we urge you to reach out to any of our advocacy centers or contact Student Health and Counseling (SHAC). For students, we encourage you to access TimelyCare free of charge 24/7. Staff and faculty needing support may reach out to Counseling and Referral Services (CARS) or Ombuds.

If you have witnessed hate or violence via email or in-person, we encourage you to reach out to the UNM Police Department (UNMPD) and the UNM Office of Compliance, Ethics, and Equal Opportunity (CEEO), where you can fill out an incident report which will be thoroughly investigated. Reports can be made anonymously and are investigated fully. UNM has confidential reporting sites for students, faculty, and staff who may not be sure if they wish to proceed with a CEEO report or if their concern warrants a CEEO report. Additionally, in instances where discrimation is involved, you can refer to our webpage with information and a list of resources on protecting students' Title VI rights.

For coping strategies and more information on UNM resources, see SHAC's printable brochure, The Weight of Conflict: Addressing Stress in a Polarized Society.



UNM SHAC has created a list of healthy tips and coping skills to help UNM community members through difficult times. Click the box below to expand the list.


Coping strategies

  • Put a cold compress on your face and/or neck.
  • Take your shoes and socks off and walk on the grass. Focus on the sensation of the grass on your feet.
  • Close your eyes and hug a tree for 3 minutes or more.
  • Take 10 deep breaths.
  • Squeeze a squishy, silly putty, play dough, or clay.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Seel a place on campus free of bias, conflict, criticism, or potententially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations… one that is aesthetically pleasing to you, devoid of stressful stimuli, a digital-free zone.
  • Identify a safe space.


Set boundaries

  • Take mental and conversation breaks from politics (e.g. contemplate all the things you’re grateful for that day, talk about your non-political interests).
  • It’s ok to walk away from an overly heated conversation that doesn’t feel productive or meaningful.


Practice self-care

  • Incorporate activities into your daily life that help to make you feel good and recharged (i.e. read a good book, watch a funny tv show/movie, go for a walk/exercise, play a video game).


Unplug from social media

  • Limit your exposure to political news and social media (e.g. 30 minutes a day).
  • Unsubscribe/unfollow/deactivate from social media. Try this out for two weeks and see how much time you have back in your life!


Create a daily routine

  • Establish a consistent sleep/wake cycle (i.e. going to bed and waking up about the same time each day). 7-10 hours of sleep a day is the recommendation for college students.


Connect with those who are supportive

  • Engage with supportive friends and/or allies.
  • Participate in a campus organization, student group, intramurals and/or attend a sporting event.


Sources of Support for Students

*Indicates confidential advocacy is available through this resource. Other sources of confidential advocacy can be found here.


Sources of Support for Faculty and Staff

*Indicates confidential advocacy is available through this resource. Other sources of confidential advocacy can be found here.


Further Resources 

DEI has compiled an extensive list of Inclusive Excellence resources for the UNM community, which can be found in the slide deck below. For a downloadable version of this slide deck, click here.


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