Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a DEI question?
See if we have an answer for you below. If not, please connect with us by sending an email to
How can I find out more about the U.S. & Global Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Power (DEIP) Undergraduate Requirement?
To learn more about how the requirement works and learn how to add your course, you can review our DEIP webpage. To see a list of previous and current approved DEIP courses, please visit General Education's DEIP catalogue.
Where can I learn more about the the UNM Inclusive Excellence Postdoc Program?
The University of New Mexico’s Inclusive Excellence Post-Doctoral and Visiting Scholars Program (IEPDVSP) is available to support up to three post-doctoral fellow, research associate, or visiting scholar positions that would enhance diversity and equal opportunity on the Albuquerque central campus. Please visit our Inclusive Excellence Post Doctoral Program webpage to learn more and to review the requirements.
What workshops and/or trainings are offered by DEI?
DEI offers a variety of workshops and can create one for your department based on individual needs. To learn more, visit our Guided In-Person Workshops page.
How can my department's event or program become co-sponsored by DEI?
Information to come.