Guided in-person Workshops and Offerings



As one of only a dozen Hispanic-Serving Institutions in the United States that are also classified by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education as a R1: Doctoral Universities with very high research activity diversity, equity and inclusion is central to our mission.

Learning is coordinated with partners across University campuses to provide training and skill development opportunities aimed at helping create a community where each of us defines all of us. Our differences contribute to further learning and advancements both the classroom and the workplace. Our growing curriculum of educational courses exists to assist schools, colleges and units create more inclusive and welcoming environments.

A variety of presentations and workshops on diversity, equity and inclusion are available to faculty and staff for all schools, colleges and units with most free of charge. For a menu of presentations and workshops related to each category, please click on any of the categories you are interested in. Our staff will put you in contact with the appropriate individual/s to coordinate your training request.

Please note that workshops can be developed on a specific, individual basis depending on your department's needs. 


To request a presentation or more information, please fill out the intake form and email it to!



Interrupting Intersectional Microaggressions (IMAs) on Campus:

An Upstander Workshop

Research has shown that racial and intersectional microaggressions (RIMAs), “brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of color” (Sue, et al., 2007) are a threat to inclusive climates in higher education.

Though RIMAs can be subtle and are often dismissed by perpetrators, their effects can cause anger and often drain the psychic energy of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC, including Latinx, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI), and multiracial individuals) emotionally and physically (Pierce 1969, 1970, 1974; Solorzano 1998; Sue, et al 2003; Sue 2010).

Unfortunately, RIMAs create inequities in education, employment, health care, and housing. Implicit bias can lead to racial microaggressions (NEA Center for Social Justice).

In this interactive workshop, we introduce the concept of intersectional microaggressions (IMAs), define IMAs on the basis of results from campus surveys, and we provide participants with the opportunity to practice interrupting microaggressions

Note: We either can cover several types of IMAs, or focus this workshop on specifically on disability, age discrimination, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression (SOGIE), immigration status, etc, all with an intersectional lense.

The Power of Social Justice Work on Campus:

UNM’s Action Plan for Building and Sustaining an Inclusive Climate and Culture

In this presentation, we review UNM’s progress on the 2040 Strategic Vision, Goal 3, Inclusive Excellence. We summarize the objectives within goal 3, and discuss its alignment with our membership in the Alliance of Hispanic Serving Research Universities (HSRU), and lead small group discussions to invite participants to reflect on what makes UNM distinctive as a Hispanic Serving Research University and an Minority Serving Institution, and ways in which the various constituency groups can support the teaching, scholarly, and engagement missions of UNM.

The Strategic Advantage of Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion

In this workshop, we Introduce UNM’s Division for Equity and Inclusion goals and tools. We then discuss organizational theory and research examining the strengths of diversity, and how to build an inclusive work an volunteer environment. We conclude with your thoughts and discussion concerning next steps to enhance equity and inclusion.

Workshops offered as a series or separate experiences

Justice, Equity, Accessibility, & Diversity: leading for a culture of inclusiveness

This is a workshop (part one of a series of four) that is designed for nonprofit entities that asks: Why is it important to bring a justice, equity, accessibility, diversity, and inclusion (JEADI) lens to the work of your workplace, company, or group? We discuss Diversity and inclusion synergies, and we delve into Useful case studies to develop promising practices, and finally consider A theory of intentional institutional social change. This workshop is grounded in small group work and discussion. And we end with recommendations of ways to get involved in community work to grow critical consciousness. 


Experiences advocating for equity in New Mexico: an interactive workshop to explore promising practices for non-profit organizations

This workshop is part two of a series that is designed for nonprofit entities. The learning objectives follow. Discuss organizational theory and research examining the strengths of diversity, and impact of racial & intersectional microaggressions (RIMAs) and implicit bias and how to build an inclusive work environment in non-profit philanthropic organizations. Share examples of experiences with RIMAs and implicit bias from published studies. Critical to achieving the mission of your nonprofit, we explore ways to interrupt IMAs and implicit bias. And finally, we discuss next steps to enhance justice, equity, accessibility, diversity and inclusion (JEADI).


The Struggle for Inclusivity in Non-Profit Organizations, Part 1: Preparation

This workshop is part of a series that is designed for nonprofit entities. We begin with building an understanding the struggle for inclusivity in non-profit organizations from an intersectional perspective. And then we work with participants to do the following:

  1. examining the history of your nonprofit organization in the context of your region, state, and local community, and
  2. charting push and pull factors promoting and challenging inclusivity in meeting the goals of your nonprofit organization.


Workshop Title


Interpreter Language Services: Best Practices

Accessibility & Disability

Becoming an Advocate for Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility


DiversityEdu: Skills for Academic Searches and Hiring (v2a)

Biases-Implicit and Unconcious

Bystander Discussion | Comentarios Constructivos (English & Spanish version)

Bystander Intervention

Using Data to Create Your Unit's Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Creating a Strategic Plan

UNMH Culture & Diversity Annual Competency

Cultural Competency

Protecting the Pack: Preventing Trolling, Doxing and Zoom Bombing Doxing, and Zoom Bombing

Doxing & Zoom Bombing

Equity & Diverse Pedagogies

Equity & Diverse Pedagogies

Best Practices in Faculty Search

Hiring Practices

Unlearning Racism

Intercultural Awareness

Intersectionality: Encompassing All Identities


Identity Matters (LGBTQ Diversity for Frontline Ed)


Creating and Inclusive Environment (DDI)

 Responsible Leadership