Promoting UNM Values

The Division for Equity and Inclusion and the LGBTQ Resource Center would like to address concerns regarding the shifting political landscape.
We remain committed to ensuring that all students feel welcomed, safe, and seen at UNM from admission to graduation. Both DEI and the LGBTQ Resource Center are steadfast in our commitment to ensuring staff and faculty also feel at home at UNM.
As a university that holds firm in everyone being a Lobo, we want to remind folks of our strong UNM policies regarding Affirmed Name and Gender Identity. Trans and Queer people are integral to the vibrant tapestry that defines The University of New Mexico, and we will continue to provide space for all of us to thrive and grow.
A graphic displaying UNM Policy 2740 – please find the screen reader-friendly version of the graphic at the bottom of this page.



Screen Reader-friendly Version

University of New Mexico Administrative Policy 2740 Regarding Gender Identity

8.1 Affirmed First Names and Pronouns

This policy prohibits discrimination and harassment based on gender identity or gender expression. Individuals shall not be required to obtain a court-ordered name change before being addressed by the first name and pronoun that corresponds to their gender identity. The University is committed to using preferred or affirmed names and pronouns wherever possible in the course of University business and education.

Members of the University community are expected to make reasonable efforts to address individuals by a pronoun corresponding to their gender identity upon request. Individuals may not be subjected to unwelcome questions or invasive requests for documentation related to their gender identity.

The intentional or persistent refusal to respect a preferred or affirmed name or pronoun can constitute discrimination or harassment that is a violation of this policy. This policy does not prohibit inadvertent slips or mistakes in using an individual's preferred or affirmed name or pronoun.


8.2 Gender-Specific Facilities

Individuals shall be provided access to designated gender-specific facilities consistent with their gender identity.


  • “Affirmed pronoun” means a pronoun that a person chooses to use or have used for self-identification (e.g., she, her, hers, he, him, his, ze, they).
  • “Gender identity” means one’s internal sense of gender identity, which may be different than the assigned sex at birth.

If you experience harassment please contact Compliance, Ethics, & Equal Opportunity at: or phone: (505) 277-5251.